Forum on "Motivation"

65 comentarios:

  1. I'm thinking about my goals that I'm going to meet and not be afraid of failing again

  2. I say to myself that if i want to make real my dreams y have to try over and over again. It doesnt matter if we fall we have to try

  3. I motivate myself after trying many times and failing over and over, by taking a break, meditate, telling myself to calm down and taking a deep breath, then I pray to God to give guidence and help me. Finally before I start working again I tell myself the reason why I do it to reach what I want. I ask for help or make a research about my work and do it until I finish it.

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  5. I think about what I can achieve or what I would get if I don´t surrender

  6. when i failure a lot of time, I think about what benefits will that give me and never give up no matter how difficult is the work. Then I begin to work and focuss in my principal problem to fix it.

  7. I motivate myself by taking a second to think about the objective I want to accomplish. Then I stop and see the reasons why I´m failing or why I´m stuck. I get up and appreciate the sky to calm myself down and visualize how happy and proud I will be when I finish that hard work after all the fails. I turn back and continue trying until i finish it.

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  9. i motivate myself, analyzing where it fails, and trying to do it better next time until it's done

  10. I motivated myself speaking and trusting in me, knowing that everything will be fine if I analyze the situation I can know how to develop it and how to act.

  11. I motivate mysef by reminding and thinking about the fact that in the end, it's all going to be worth it. And sometimes you have to be down so you can rise up

  12. First of all, i think in what can help me to motivate. Then when I already think of it, I try if that could help me, but if that didn’t help to get my work done, so I try to think about something else. But that could happen because the only thing that could help me to get my motivation is thinking about what could happen if I finish my duties or if I finish this, would my parents be glad of me? Or something like that.

  13. I motivate myself by thinking that i am a very smart person and that i can do the things i propose to me and i believe that God wants me to do It!! -Gina Rovetto 9°I

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  15. If I want to accomplish any goal and when I try I fail I motivate myself by remembering tha we learn from errors and do It better the next time I try and always remembering to never give up and always be persistent persevere - alanis melo

  16. If I want to accomplish any goal and when I try I fail I motivate myself by remembering tha we learn from errors and do It better the next time I try and always remembering to never give up and always be persistent persevere - alanis melo

  17. i motivate my self always remembering a phrase that says "everything you want you can reach" and that gives me the strength knowing that everything I propose is possible. Katherine Valencia 9°D

  18. When I want to accomplish something that is really important for me I make a decision by heart, I give everything I have not only to prove someone that I can do it, I give everything to prove myself that if I really want something i will do anything I can do to get it. Yes, I will have my break-downs and there will be a point that I will ask myself if I really want that,but when this happen I will pray to God to light my way and give me inspiration. I will strive the must I can because I do not want to think how it could have felt, I want to have the feeling of succes, I want to look back and be proud of myself for giving the best of me, because if you stop trying it is because you never truly wanted it.

  19. I think i would motivate myself looking for people who had done those things before because that way i would be challenging myself again after failing-Paola Quiñones 9°D

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  23. It's difficult, first of all, I breath deeply and convince myself that I’m capable of everything with heaven as limit, telling me that if I have overcome other barriers or difficult things, nothing will stop me to achieve any other difficult situation; so the key is try over and over as many times as possible even if you feel you can't because when you finally achieve it and you see yor work done the relaxation and peace at the end will be your reward, but if i see that after some attempts it doesn't work as I expected, I rest for a while and meantime other ideas flow and it helps me to find different options with good results to rearch the set goals.
    In short, the most important thing is to think positively and not get depressed, the idea is to try harder and gain experience.

    -Gabriela Camarena, 9°E-

  24. I motivate myself thinking about the goals I want to fulfill, in how I will be when I grow up, I tell myself that even if I keep failing, it is part of the process to become successful and that of the falls and mistakes are learned to know what is wrong, correct it and try again

  25. To motivate myself I think about my goals and what I want to accomplish with them and how proud I am going to feel if I accomplish everything that I purpose to myself

  26. I reason for my thinking that i have all my possibilities when i fall i try to wake up because the life is like that also to thanks God making me like this with my all feautures

  27. To motivate myself, i trying be persevering in the things that i want, because if I want to achieve something I should not give up and keep fighting for it until I get it. -Madelyne Miranda, 9ºR

  28. By thinking that out there is something great just waiting for me to chase it. That it's up to me if i go for it or not.

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  30. I motivate myself by saying that I'm strong enoough to overcome any challenge, and sometimes I go to my family for support.

  31. It motivates me to think that I could get it and this is not going to stop me, so I will overcome this to achieve my goal

  32. I take some time to rethink about all the things I've accomplished with God's help. My motivation doesn't stop until I find what's wrong with what I do, and in the meantime, I keep trying until I finally succeed.

  33. I motivate myself by looking the positive way and doing the best of me, because i want to accomplish the work as a student.Gian Carrizo 9°U

  34. First of all I remember the reason why I proposed me that goal, looking for a new tecnique to achieve it and also using many differents skills during the process. Elisa Castillo 9*R

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  36. Even if I failed I motivate myself by believing in me, by telling myself that I can do what I want, and even if I have problems I remember that if I want something I will make it happen.

  37. I motivate myself by believing in me and keep trying and tying until I succeed, thinking how I'm going to fell and how my life is going to change if I keep trying. Never give up and follow my dreams with hard work. Alanna Delegado 9U

  38. When i fail many times I motivate myself by thinking about my short and long time period goals. I think about what I need to do to reach my goal, I know where I am now, and I think about where do I want to be when I finish my work. And as I read some days ago, I might not reach my goal know, but at least I´ll be one step closer.

  39. I motivate by doing what i want and fail over and over again only push me to wake up again and try it until the goal would be accomplish, No matter how hard it is i will do it. Erick Silva 9°U

  40. Well, I usually remember my parents words of encouragement. And never forget that falling will never be bad as you get up. María Cádenas 9°U

  41. I motivate myself by believing in me, and remembering the quote "If you can dream it, you can do it". Also, by my parents encouragement words. Those are the best supporting words ever. Hillary Hidalgo 9°U

  42. To motivate myself, I think about how good and proud I will feel when I accomplish them, that encourages me to keep going -Arlene Caballero 9°D

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  44. To Motivate Myself, I Think If Its possible
    I Can Do It


  45. I motivate my self by thiking, how people can accomplish their goals failing hundred and hundred time. But in what i think is what would happen if i achieve my objetives- Elias Ramos 9 U

  46. I motivated with my knowledge and my abilities that god gave me if i am wrong I will try again until I get it. gonzalo ortiz 9U

  47. I motivate myself by making my parents happy and nerver give up


    Julio Batista

  48. For motivating myself I just start thinking about the positive consequences I´ll get if achiving what I want. So I start again by thinking bigger and with my eyes put in the satisfaction of accomplishing my dream.
    Rafael Sinisterra

  49. My motivation to continue and do The things again and again is know that if i do it i will be a good profesional con the future

    Anthony Morell 9U

  50. my motivation is to be a better person than people think in every way

  51. my motivation is to be a better person than people think in every way

  52. i think this could inspire us for never be afreide or nervous foryour dreams

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  54. I motivate myself by looking at this kind of videos, and thinking that if this people who had to overcome such hard situtions could make it , why can´t we do the same?

    Sara Poyser 9°I

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  56. I say to myself that "everything or anything you want is possible with effort, nothing in this life is given to you and no matter how much it costs, you will achieve it "

  57. I motivate myself thinking that giving up is one of the worst decisions that humans made, You should always fight for what you really want regardless of the mistakes you make because we learn from mistakes and everytime we try again and again we will do the work in a better way.
    -Ana Moreno 9°U

  58. good afternoon prof.Pineda already enter the blog and I do not see the task. How do I find it? 9 * D

    1. Mira donde dice [Questions about the motivational videos]
      Supongo que esas son.

  59. I always find another way to do my work possible , because if I have have not met any goal in my life. Melissa Gómez 9°D

  60. When i fail and fail and fail again the last thing i do is to listen music. i mean it helps me ( and a lot ), and i am sure it helps someone else too.


  61. When i lose hope I think about the result of my effort and i tell myself that the next chance will be better than the last one over and over again. Just keep in mind how much you want to achieve your goal.

    Atte. A girl from 9°S

  62. Say that I can do it and dontd failing what I started and I will finish that.
